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Why Im Doing It?

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So why have I choose to do this?

Because I can. Because I want too. Because if I don’t do it now, I never will!.


I was feeling so trapped in a life that felt like I didn’t belong, but life has its ups and downs but in my down days after struggling with mental health after the loss of a few a close friends I finally decided mentally I’m ready at that was the start of something new and different on my life long goal which is to travel the world and my passion of boats combining the two was an easy choice

and  a group of me and my friends use to dream about what the world and all the wonders that filled it would bring us, but some of them could never see past there driveway and others took an entirely opposite approach and unforchanatly are not here to enjoy the journeys together as a team but there spirt lifts my hopes of dropping what others call reality and having a huge drive for better and to live for those who can no longer walk on this earth

sometimes you have to take action and strive for you limits and push them further

and thats exacley what i set out to achive because i am a firm beliver of achiving the dreams and goals thatr you set your self not alowwing anything to get in the way because whats the point of having a dream if you cant achive it thats why i am willing to do anything it takes to achive my dream even if it kills me, but i will never give up on my dream as if i do i will be giving up on what motivates me every day to do the things i do

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