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What Im Doing.

So what are you actually doing you might ask well basically I want to go from Kent around the world from one starting point and make my way past as many as possible and see the world then non-stop sail around the world as explained underneath but getting there is another story I have no sailing experience and only worked on boats and with no money or boat im gouing to start small and use the boats to create a profit to help fund my self from a small 20ft boat to a 40ft+ boat while learning to sail at the same time but follow my social media to get uptodate at where in the journy i am i will be showing the world just what can be achived with had work and determination to achive the impossible


First Short-Term Goal

to buy a small 20ft sailing boat and renovate for a profit as well as learn basic sailing and navigation skills and completing small trips in the uk.


Second Short-Term Goal

buy a second boat at 25ft and renovation the boat for a larger profit and growing my sailing  to more compitance and qualifocation and taking longer trips.


Theird Mid-Term Goal

buy aboat of 30ft+ and start to specalise in the sailing qulifocations and doing a round the uk in both express and and non stop.


Fouth Mid-Term Goal

buy a boat of 35-40ft+ and complete sailing qulifocations to allow ocean crossing and travel to other countries and be a confident sailour and travel to other countries and travel both pasiffic and alantic ocean.


First Long-Term Goal

around the  world! Express - takes roughly 1 to 2 years - fast paced sailing for the most part, with short, regular breaks.

Express sailing is popular among young people that plan on doing other things with their life after their trip. These kind of trips take 2 years on average. This style of planning allows you 1 - 2 sit days for each sea day, meaning you have about 1 day to dock, provision, make any repairs if needed - and then you get 1 day of to check out beautiful Tahiti.


Second Long-Term Goal

 Non-stop around the world it takes roughly 100 days - no time to do anything but sailing at 20 knots Non-stop sailing means literally planning on taking the least amount of stops necessary. You try and maximize your sea days and only stop for provisioning and emergencies. No sight-seeing. To me, this only makes sense if you're in a race (with someone else or yourself) and own a fast ship.


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